
Our Services

We can handle the accounting and finance needs of an entrepreneurially driven, early stage company from A to Z. Among the services that we provide to our clients are the following:

Contract CFO engagements

Mr. Brown becomes a part of the management team on a part-time basis, providing the business with:

Monthly accounting

We provide bookkeeping services for several clients who wish to have this function performed by our firm rather than one of their own employees. This can be done in any of the following manners.

Transaction support

Given our unique combination of financial management and venture capital investing experience, we are at times engaged by companies and investors to provide services related to the evaluation of prospective investments, negotiation of the terms of investment, and preparation or review of transaction documents.

Our Services

We can handle the accounting and finance needs of an entrepreneurially driven, early stage company from A to Z. Among the services that we provide to our clients are the following:

Fractional CFO Engagements

Your financials contain a story about past performance and the present business condition. A good CFO can ensure that the financials contain an accurate story. A great CFO can tell that story in a way that makes sense to you, your team, and others, and then provide counsel on what to do about it. Our CFOs specialize in guiding our clients to bigger profits and better cash flow.
We meet your business where it is at, and don’t shoehorn you into canned engagement. Every Fractional CFO Engagement includes:

Finance Advisory Services

Unique episodes in the life of your business require expertise to navigate and achieve the most profitable outcomes. Contemplating a line of credit or other debt might require a one-off financial model. Initial due-diligence on an acquisition target requires you to ask the right questions and interpret the answers. Inefficient internal processes can cost you money. Lean on the deep experience and expertise of Cardinal finance
We assist businesses with episodic support for:

Why Choose Cardinal Finance?

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Best Strategy

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Quality Services

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Friendly Support

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